Mariana Sarraute Sainz

<Body>. Installation

From 14 May to 22 June 2003

Begins as a joke that promises a user the possibility of progressively going deeper into a body. The result of this interior journey, like any other zoom in, may be organic and abstract, strange, mysterious or magical, but perhaps frustrating as well.
I came up with the idea of the <Body> project for a network of bodies created in HTML that formed another complete body through which you could navigate.

The work was created so as to be posted online and key words more in line with pornographic websites were incorporated into the home page in order to trick visitors looking for sex sites on Internet search engines. This is the most usual way to attract visitors. Later, I started thinking about the possibility of presenting the exhibited work in a space made corporeal, thereby converting the computer into a sort of living entity. In some ways, I have been working on the frustration that any Internet user searching for sex or private sites via external and impersonal products would feel when they come across my site.

By using the medium's commercial structure, <Body> offers users the possibility of profundity. But this journey is not to the inside of a vagina, it is to an interior world, a fragmented one perhaps but also magical and complex.

Mariana Sarraute


Music and sound - Pau Sarraute
Hardwear detector - Jordi Moià
Softwear detector - Vicent Palau

Gratitude to
Cèlia Gradín
Victòria Szpunberg
Oscar Aguilar
Alba Sarraute
Jorge Sarraute


Mariana Sarraute Sainz
March 17, 1971. Buenos Aires _Argentina

In 1974, she travelled with her family to Barcelona, where she has lived since then.

She graduated in Painting at the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Barcelona and at the same time studied sculpture at the Massana school of art.

In 1996, she started using Internet as a creative medium during the "Psicomanualdigital" workshop led by Zush at Quam '96, and it was also there that she created her first Net Art work: Corpo Mondo. Since then, she has created various works of not only Net Art but using other media as well, and these have been presented at various events.
She is currently developing other projects such as Bestiario and Mysthics Souvenirs [Mystic Souvenirs].


Sponsors:  caja madrid obra social  |   ràdio4  |   el país
Collaborate: fujifilm  |   schilling cafè