Nostàlgia de futur: travessant el col•lapse (Nostalgia for the Future: Traversing the Collapse)
Nostàlgia de futur: travessant el col·lapse (Nostalgia for the Future: Traversing the Collapse)
Society is going through a historical phase in which narratives about the future and the imaginary tied to this idea have been hijacked, in which there is only room for scenarios of crisis and collapse. Against this future-less backdrop, technologies are playing a relevant role in amplifying people’s relationship with the world, with the other, with the complex systems that these inhabit. Understanding ourselves as communities that create technologies, and thus discourses of the future, means promoting a future that goes beyond crisis, in which resistance, life and knowledge are at stake.
Arsgames is a non-profit cultural association based in Barcelona with more than fifteen years of experience in creating and promoting social transformation and innovation projects through the use of video games and digital technology.
Its co-directors have been in charge of the most successful video game exhibitions in the history of Spain: Videojocs: els dos costats de la pantalla (Video Games: The Two Sides of the Screen), curated by Eurídice Cabañes and produced by the Telefónica Foundation, and Homo Ludens: videojocs per entendre el present (Homo Ludens: Understanding the Present Through Video Games), curated by Luca Carrubba for the ”la Caixa” Foundation.