
The commission formed by Oriol Gual Dalmau, head of the Exhibition Service and director of the Virreina i Capella (1990 - 1999) and director of La Capella (1999-2020); Anna Ramírez Galván, director of Teixit Cultural at the Institute of Culture of Barcelona; Lola Lasurt Bachs, visual artist and teacher and Jordi Ferreiro Ouro, artist and educator, members of the PAAC board who have acted as a single voice and vote; Martina Millà Bernad, head of exhibitions at the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona; Jordi Antas Barranco, independent curator and mediator, and Clàudia Elies Oliveras, head of the Can Felipa Visual Arts Program, have decided to choose David Armengol as the artistic director of La Capella for the next four years, with the possibility of another year of extension. All the members of the jury valued the winning project as the best proposal: "It is a continuous and therefore very viable project that provides guarantees of progress in terms of means and structure. It contributes with approaches of special interest and very well defined ".

David Armengol