Itxaso Mezzacasa

Absence. Installation

January 21 to February 29, 2004

Was it a ring that was the cause? That is not the question, but it is a good pretext. «Ausencia» (Absence) is a work that cannot go by unannounced simply because it disturbs those subconscious memories one wants to remain there in safekeeping.

I do not believe the events that took place in Pforzheim that summer in 2002 were purely coincidental. What Itxaso Mezzacasa began on that April 5 day was all about a profound journey. «Ausencia» (Absence) takes us on a journey through time so that we can understand the importance of all that is missing, through a sensitive journey where what is truly valuable is the path itself and the way it is taken, a series of life experiences making the journey’s ultimate aim just one stage more in this very personal journey.

Those who know the work of this Basque jeweller know that behind his innocent gaze and his apparent shyness there hides a profound mind and a rigorous working style that ultimately involves you.

Without using the tools of a metalsmith, Itxaso Mezzacasa perfectly expresses the meaning and value of an excellent work of metalsmithing, managing to give expression to an object’s symbolism: rings and all they represent. The emptiness that Itxaso deliberately leaves in this particular work allows us to be able to appreciate the value of that which is not there and imagine all that is missing, to think about what its form was, its symbolic value, its history, its people. In order to do this, he offers us certain clues, aids that guide and lead us through this journey, like footprints left by these objects, immersing us in thoughts about the role of memory and the way in which we interpret it, about the role of time and the manner in which it finally changes our own memories.Carles Codina i Armengol

Sponsors: caja madrid obra social
Collaborators: fujifilm  |   schilling cafè  |   ràdio4   |   s·d edicions