Blocs & Clubs II
Clara Garí

Blocs & Clubs II From distributed culture to knowledge transformation

From February 25 to 27, 2010

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||||||||||||||||||||||||||||      LECTURES, PROGRAMMES AND DEBATES     |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Thursday, February 25

5.30 pm. “Participovisual II” A HoritzóTV programme by Pamela Gallo
This programme opens up television participation to groups that do not normally have access to the media. The spotlight here is on the right to access and the importance of enabling groups at risk of exclusion to participate directly and independently.
The programme is produced in cooperation with the Young Foreigners’ Audiovisual Group at El Raval Casal d’Infants youth club.

7 pm. Lecture by Ismael Peña PhD in the Information and Knowledge Society and professor at the Open University of Catalonia. Works in the field of public development policy with particular attention to ICTs and their social projections.

Governance and participation. Aspects of Web 2.0 in citizens’ horizontal participation. An alternative to representative democracy.
Democracy as we know it today operates through representatives that are elected by majority vote. Generally speaking, these representatives belong to and owe their allegiance to a political party. However, new digital communication tools lead us to consider a more direct solution. Could we, thanks to Internet, forget the political parties and allow people to give their opinion, debate and vote for their representatives directly? This is the field of study which Ismael Peña engages in, and which will be the subject of his lecture and our discussion.

Friday, February 26

5.30 pm. “Carpeta Compartida II” A HoritzóTV programme by Antònia Folguera
Talk show. From the studio, Antònia Folguera will talk with guests from different cities by videoconference. Spectators will make their contributions to the discussion about emerging talent and the idea of community amongst artists who live in different places but work in the same fields, building up a real “shared file”.
Guests: Derivart Collective, Josianito Llorente (EXGAE), Rez Delacrew and Núria Mañé.

7 pm. Lecture by Oscar Ciuro expert in digital cultural management and e-learning. Currently Digital Project Manager for the firm of Trànsit Projectes, Barcelona.

“Networks, the source code of culture” 
Participation and sharing as qualities intrinsic to human beings. Networks gather, expand and distribute knowledge. They form part of culture.

20.30 pm. Lecture by Amelia Andersdotter Member of the European Parliament for the Pirate Party, which was set up, originally in Sweden, to work for copyright law reform and Internet neutrality.

Shared creation and distribution of culture. P2P, copyright and citizens’ rights.
Intellectual property rights, the patent system and copyright law all require radical reform. We also need to review areas where concerns about security and the right to privacy clash. There is also a digital sphere to human rights. We shall discuss these and other questions, particularly shared creation in the art world, with Amelia Andersdotter.

Saturday, February 27

5.30 pm. “Altered Property II” A HoritzóTV programme by Félix Pérez-Hita
“Our true and only property are our bones”, Greguería poem by Gómez de la Serna
“We use like free gifts a thousand things that have been paid for by human lives, pearls whose fisherman has vomited blood, books escaped from the fire...”, Paul Valéry: Tel quel (1943)
“We need to place culture over intellectual copyright, not focus on it through ideas of money, but as a gift, respect and exchange”, Rick Prelinger
A look at information exchanges through the metaphor of the gift. Félix Pérez-Hita creates a collage of film extracts, interviews, lectures and comments based on Prelinger’s discourse.
Guests: Jorge Luis Marzo, independent curator and cultural researcher and Ciutat Invisible

8.30 pm. Lecture by Simona Levi and members of Red S@Stenible 
Red S@Stenible is an open group established on 9 January 2010 to dispute the provisions of a law currently being debated in the Spanish Parliament. The Sustainable Economy Bill would make it possible to shut down websites without trial when they are considered to be in breach of intellectual property rights.

The Sustainable Economy Bill in the Spanish Parliament
Members of Red S@Stenible will explain certain provisions that will be adopted by the Sustainable Economy Bill against websites that link P2P file-sharing tools, and where conflict arises between the interests of recognised, regulated intellectual property rights and those of citizens in general.


||||||||||||||||||||||||||||      WORKSHOP     |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Friday and Saturday, February 26 and 27, from 10 am to 1 pm.

Online television workshop. Recipes and DIY to make your own Internet television channel
The HoritzóTV team presents an introduction to how to create your own audiovisual platform on Internet, to find free audiovisual resources on the Web and to take your first steps in scripting, directing and producing. Explore creativity with one of the city’s most experienced audiovisual groups.


||||||||||||||||||||||||||||      MARKET     |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Thursday, February 25 at 8.30 pm. Espai Social Magdalenes. C/ Magdalenes, 13

Face-to-Face Copyfight. F2F (that is to say, face-to-face) file exchange.
We meet the people from the Magdalenes social centre in an activity they organise, meeting face-to-face and having a drink together whilst exchanging files. Bring your files, load your USB and get sharing!

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