Multispecies Imaginaries: The Art of Living in a Contingent, Uncertain World
The precarization of life in our technologically mediated societies requires rethinking the coexistence between species, demands embracing an ethico-political conception of subjectivity, and encourages us to realize heterogeneous communities based on common well-being. In Multispecies Imaginaries, artists immerse themselves in the worlds of microorganisms, plants, animals, and fungi, expressing that we interact with other beings in a constitutive and consequential way, and inviting us to develop trans-species modes of hospitality and care.
Angela Melitopoulos and Maurizio Lazzarato, Vicky Benítez, Tue Greenfort, Eduard Ruiz, Pluriversal Radio (Anna Kindgren, Carina Gunnars, Elin Már Øyen Vister, Mirko Nikolić), Nien Boots, Ruben Verdú, Helen Torres, Llapispanc, Olga Olivera-Tabeni, Quimera Rosa, Grup de treball de les ecologies híbrides del Delta del Llobregat (Christian Alonso, Vicky Benítez, Ferran Lega, Eduardo Ruiz, Chiara Sgaramella), Mary Maggic, Aníbal García Arregui, Oficina de relació interespècies (Quim Packard, Caterina Almirall).
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Friday, 5 pm to 8 pm
Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 8 pm
Holidays, 11 am to 2 pm
Mondays closed
Guided tours by Christian Alonso. Check availability at
Christian Alonso (Lleida, 1987) is a cultural researcher, writer and curator based in Barcelona. He teaches Art History and Theory at the ESDi School of Design-Ramon Llull University and the University of Lleida. He is director of Transcorporal, a centre for research, production and artistic mediation whose aim is to map the complex socio-biotechnical relations that traverse, constitute and transform beings and their material surroundings. He was coordinator of the curatorial programme On Mediation (AGI-University of Barcelona) from 2013 to 2021, where he acquired extensive experience in the conceptualisation, production and dissemination of curatorial projects. He holds a PhD in History and Theory of Art from the University of Barcelona, with a thesis that combines Félix Guattari’s ecosophy and a set of ethico-aesthetic practices in order to conceptualise the work of art as a technology that produces non-anthropocentric modes of life. He has worked on this topic as a curator (Polítiques del sòl [Land-use politics], Centre d’Art Maristany, 2019; Recomposicions maquíniques [Machinic recompositions], Can Felipa, 2017), as author and publisher of books and magazines (Transversal ethico-aesthetics, REGAC 2022; Mutating ecologies in contemporary art, UB Editions, 2019), as director of applied artistic research projects (working group on the hybrid ecologies of the Llobregat Delta), and as coordinator of congresses, symposia, seminars and workshops on art and critical thinking (Mutating Ecologies in Contemporary Art, MACBA, 2016-2021; Indigenous Epistemologies and Artistic Imagination, Institut Français-MACBA, 2019; Culture and Sustainability: 3 Days with T. J. Demos, Fundació Tàpies-UB, 2018; Art and Speculative Futures, CCCB, 2016). Websites:
Interview with Christian Alonso, Ràdio 4 (V.O. catalan)
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