escoles de context
October 2022 - June 2023

Escoles de context (Schools of context) is a study program that emphasizes providing training resources, lines of research and meeting spaces available to the city's artistic community. Thus, the objective of "making context" through practice is reformulated as one of the backbones of La Capella, giving rise to a series of stable sub-programmes dedicated to the performativity of the voice, textuality, LGTBIQ+ culture, the notion of bookstore and institutional self-learning itself.

As a pilot test, Escoles de context begins its dynamics next October, rehearsing different temporalities, rhythms and intensities which, at the same time, bring to the table certain contextual attributes inherent in the emerging artistic practice in Barcelona, making possible also a review and constant crisis of the institutional model, both on an infrastructural and human scale, that defines La Capella. The study groups of the Context Schools are aimed at the same artistic scene, establishing proximity dynamics with small and regular groups that will only be open to the public when the situation requires it.

The group of people who make up Schools of Context are Enric Farrés Duran, Alexandra Laudo, Daniel Gasol, Marc Vives, Laia Estruch, Jara Rocha, and with the following lines of research:

PUBLICATIONS - La Capella bookstore

Curated by Enric Farrés Duran

La Capella bookstore is a research, production and collective learning project around the possibility of opening a bookstore at the La Capella Art Centre. The project is made from the context and for the context and is based on three premises: the artist book as a tool for the production, distribution and exchange of content, the local production of artist publications, and the ability to configure the editorial department of La Capella.

TEXTUALITY - Branch, root, sprout, stem

Curated by Alexandra Laudo

Branch, root, sprout, stem  is a practical, theoretical and poetic program around the text, the word and the writing in the artistic practice and in its intersections with curation and literature. The program raises the possibility of thinking about a writing and a way of relating to the text and the word that is imbued by the seasonal changes, by the cycles of growth, death and rebirth that take place in nature. It wants to be a course that proposes forms of reading, textual production and orality that are not indifferent to the natural transformations of the sensible world.

VOICE - Voice School

Curated by Laia Estruch and Marc Vives

The Voice School is conceived as a research laboratory for the phenomena related to the voice within Contemporary Art. The school wants to delve into the knowledge of the voice as a raw material, instrument, device and space for experimenting with artistic proposals that investigate the aerial conditions and emotional possibilities of the performative voice. The sessions alternate with local, Spanish and international guests who give theoretical research seminars, vocal training or laboratories based on their practical research.

LGTBIQ+ CULTURE- Transmaricabollo

Curated by Daniel Gasol

Transmaricabollo (Transfaggot) aims to think about how LGTBIQ+ activism has been capitalized by liberal mercantilism in its eagerness to find new consumers and how hegemonic educational spaces establish distance from a social reality studied from ethnography and sociology. The school is formulated with non-teaching or academic people, creating a common and horizontal learning space, putting in crisis the synonym between right and need, the heterosexualization of the collective for its legitimacy, as well as legislative criminalization and social of dissident bodies and other non-normative realities.


Curated by Jara Rocha

The network of infrastructural dependencies where the day-to-day life of institutional structures takes place is also culture, and defines artistic practices. This school is conceived as a space-time in which to attend to the continuities and discontinuities, inheritances and prospects, latencies and powers that shape the technical, bureaucratic and semiotic-material context, and with which the art centers are constituted. In intra-institutional study sessions, conversing and documenting from close-readings of infrastructures, tools, protocols and gray literature, La Capella exposes itself to a process of knowledge of the environment in which the art center exists.