Noela Covelo
Performance by Noela Covelo Velasco

próxima vuelta del faro (next rotation of the lighthouse)

Wednesday 18 September 2024, at 7 pm

Viene una canción desde otra sala;
entra una voz,


Aparece otra voz, canta.
Aparece otra voz, canta.
Una melodía se adelanta a sí misma, una y otra vez.


A song comes from another room;
a voice enters,

Another voice appears; it sings.
Another voice appears; it sings.
A melody moves ahead of itself, over and over again.


How to understand time in a way that is attached to the body? next rotation of the lighthouse is a straining of the vocal chords in the coming and going of breath and resonance. This performance by Noela Covelo Velasco explores a body cutting through voice and how the voice, studied for its multiple temporalities, fluctuations and textures, is closely linked to memory, like the rotating movement of lighthouse lamps.

Activity in the framework of the exhibition A Different Disorder. Free admission.

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