Núria Membrado

Sense Títol (PlayGround)

From October 9 to October 28, 2001

In Sense Títol, Núria Membrado presents a number of pieces accompained by lines by Arthur Cravan. To a certain extent, they are an incitement to physical release: a struggle that is both tense and and ironic is established between elements which, from a sculptural point of view. hark back to the model of the obelisks (or, if you prefer, to the columns without end by Brancusi), which are traditionally victorious and masculine and which are now the subject of an assault, of an irreverent, furious or playful embrace.

J’aime tellement la danse
Et les folies physiques

Que je sens avec évidence
Que, si j’avais été une jeune fille,
J’eusse mal tourné.

Arthur Cravan