
Image generated by AI from frames of the film Vampir Cuadecuc, by Pere Portabella (1970)

Kenneth Russo & WAAI

vAImpir: la AI com a eina vampírica (vAImpire: AI as a Vampiric Tool)

Digital environments project

The vAImpir project is based on artificial intelligence as a topic for self-reflection: on the one hand, as a tool for expanding content and artistic exploration, and on the other, as a tool parasiting with representations of historical biases accumulating in databases within the framework of digital humanities, somehow describing the current moment in which the understanding of the world unfolds over a digital interface in which authorship is diluted. A reflection-action from dissemination models on the narrow margins separating the space of reality and the space of fiction.


Kenneth Russo: artist and researcher

His interests lie in intersubjective communication models, interfaces and interstitial spaces, virtual environments and collaborative practices, media anthropology, and also exploring new narratives through interactions with technology.

His work has been shown in various national and international festivals: Digital Graffiti (Florida), Optica Festival (Gijón), Zoomvi (CCCB), Loop Festival (Barcelona), FIB Festival (Benicàssim), VAD Festival (Girona), Espacio Enter (Berlin), Fundació Godia, Arts Santa Mònica, Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani, DAHJ Gallery, NFT Biennial, Centro Buñuel Calanda... He is currently flirting with AI and the collective WAAI (WeAreAIrtists).

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